Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

What Is Beautiful Is Good?

What Is Beauty? "Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beerholder"
  • Socrates concludes in the Greater Hippias that beauty is difficult to define.
  • Voltaire goes further to argue that beauty, due to is relativist nature, is not just difficult but impossible to define.
  • Darwin thought that there were few universals of physical beauty because there was much variance in appearance and preference across human groups.

For Example:
  • Chinese men used to prefer women with small feet.
  • In Shakespearean England, ankles were the rage.
  • In some African tribal cultures, men like women who insert large discs in their lips.
  • The women of the Kayan tribes of Burma and Thailand believe that their attractiveness is related to the perceived lenght of their necks. They start wearing rings around their neck at a very young age that gives the illusion of having a longer neck.
  • Women in Japan find it very important to have smooth and soft skin without any marks. They eat a lot more collagen - glue like protein - to keeps the skin elastic and strong and keep it from wrinkling.
  • Maori people of New Zealand, get tattoos in certain parts of their body to signify their wealth and prosperity.
  • Males in Western cultures generally prefer females with a small jaw, a small nose, large eyes, and defined cheekbones - features often described as "baby faced", that resemble an infant's.
  • Females, however, have a preference for males who look more mature - generally heart - shaped, small - chinned faces with full lips and fair skin.

 Plotinus is an expection, in Enneades, he rejects the idea that beauty consists of order and proportion. His main points are:
  1. Proportions, order, symmetry, and harmony apply to compound objects, while beauty is also found in simple elements like sunlight or gold.
  2. The parts of a beautiful object must be beautiful too, because beauty cannot consists of ugly elements. However, the parts themselves are simply and cannot convey order.
  3. A beautiful face may look ugly when it expresses anger or wickedness, yet its proportions are the same.
  4. Physical beauty is a reflection of the divine beauty, which unifies the formless multiplicity of matter. Thus, unity, not complexity, is essential to beauty.

The Definition Of Beauty
  • The definition of beauty varies with every culture, but research shows that men in many cultures put more emphasis of physical attractiveness, while women put more emphasis on financial resources.
  • Therefore, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and depending on what motherland you've dug your heals into, the defining factors for attractiveness may be different."
  • Walaupun orang bilang "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep" namun pada kenyataannya orang akan berespon lebih positif pada orang yang menarik daripada yang tidak menarik (Wisnuwardhani, 2012)

What Is Beautiful Is Good?
Penelitian dalam psikologi: "wanita cantik dikaitkan dengan orang baik (berkorelasi)"
Laki-laki atau wanita yang menarik: "ketenangan, mudah bergaul, mandiri, dominan, gembira, seksi, sukses, feminim dan maskulin" (don, baron dkk, dalam Wisnuwardhani 2012)
Jadi bagaimana supaya tetap menarik, cantik, dan cakap?
  • Respect your self. Hargai dirimu sebagai apa adanya.
  • Let go of bad feelings. Fokuslah pada hal baik.
  • Be authentic. Katakan yang kamu maksud dengan baik. 
  • Get involved in your community. Ikuti banyak kegiatan, ikut komunitas tertentu yang kamu suka.


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